Sunday, June 30, 2013

Here goes nothing...

Family and Friends,

 Throughout PA school thus far, my communication with friends and family has been okay at times, and the other times it's like I've fallen off the Earth. This blog will allow everyone to "keep up" with me (hey, if you can keep up with the Kardashians might as well keep up with me too) during my clinical year. My schedule will change daily, weekly, monthly, pretty much whenever, wherever so the posts may come and go randomly. 

The title of the blog, "I Don't Know What To Do With My Hands" is kind of a joke/kind of not. I feel like I have used that phrase more times over the last 18 months than I can count. Whether its putting my gloves on properly (jury is still out on that one) while not breaking sterile field, drawing blood, or percussing a chest, 9 times out of 10 I don't know what to do with my hands and just kind of fumble around until something magical happens. I'm hoping that over the next 12 months of clinical rotations and I can finally figure out what I'm supposed to be doing with my hands :)

This is my third attempt at sticking with a blog. My past blogs have been funny and lighthearted and didn't necessarily have a theme. I'm hoping this one is different. I'm hoping this blog will shed some light on the triumphs and trials I will face this year. I'm hoping to grow as a person, provider, wife, and friend as I experience the ups and downs of medicine. I promise there will be some humor along the way, but I'm sure there will also be loss, bad days, and hard tests.... all in the name of getting that PA-C after my name right? So I ask, if you get a second send up a little prayer for my classmates and I as we start our clinical year. We are all starting in different specialties, with different doctors, in different areas and I can't wait to hear how everyone's day goes. Pray that we have confidence in ourselves and what we know, pray that our anxieties be softened and calmed, and most importantly, pray that we make a difference because isn't that why we all signed up for this to begin with?

I am back in Bloomington, IN for the next month and begin my Women's Health rotation tomorrow morning at 7:15. Start the day off with a hysterectomy and a hysteroscopic endometrial polyp removal. YIKES. What, no syllabus day? Can I get a map please? I honestly feel like a freshman walking into high school for the first time. Except hopefully I'm not as awkward...wait, yes I am.

Good luck tomorrow everyone!! As my dad likes to say, "You've been given the brushes and canvas and now it's time to paint." (He is really deep and philosophical like that)