Monday, June 30, 2014

Work Hard Play Hard Part 12

Graduation weekend :)


Wait, what?

Yep, our time as students has come to an end ya'll. Still hard to wrap my head around. I went back to lex on a Wed, took a practice board exam on Thursday, and accepted my diploma on Saturday. And here I am, back at home after a week of board prep. Its so odd not knowing my next scheduled trip to KY, no more EOC exams, no more standardized patients etc... (I mean, I don't hate that, just weird.) I have been a student for so long, its hard to realize I'm not one anymore. Sure, we are all "lifelong learners" by default because we are in the medical field, but I don't have to sit at a desk surrounded by 60 people anymore.

Graduation was a happy day filled with family and friends, pictures, hugs, and clinking of champagne glasses. Isn't that what we all imagined it would be? :)

But with graduation comes big decisions and mean I actually have to start paying these loans? Please, no, that is all just some huge mistake and someone else is going to handle that. No? Crap. The PANCE...we all know that #PANCEdontcare. Everyone is in the midst of board prep and that scheduled test sure is daunting in my near future. But its okay, I will get through it just like every other test. Deep breaths. Jobs...oh Lordy, this is a fun topic right now between friends (not). I feel bad for all of those staying in Lexington competing for jobs, that's rough. Fortunately, I live in a different city so it was slightly easier... more on my job later, I don't want to jinx it before I take the boards.

Saying "see ya later" to all my classmates was hard. Some of us are moving far away, others a few hours, other staying put in lex. I'm hoping we can all reunite every so often, but I know life gets in the way sometimes. I've made some forever friends in PA school and I'm so fortunate to have met my classmates which are now colleagues. I will miss you guys.

Put your back into it.

Sorry for the hiatus (again), life gets hectic sometimes.

Other than the LP, my favorite new procedures to do are joint reductions. Something so gratifying about man-handling a limb, drenched in sweat and then all of the a sudden you hear the victorious "clunk." Yay!!

I had the awesome opportunity to attempt multiple joint reductions while the patient was under conscious sedation. Some were successful, others were not, and that's okay. The point it, I got to try. I didn't have to stand in the background and watch, I got to feel the limb and manipulate it. "Feel" the logic behind certain techniques, and learn from my mistakes. That's the whole point of learning isn't it?

I cannot say enough good things about my last rotation. It was hard, like really hard. I say that not because I couldn't handle the hours, but because I was truly challenged to step outside my comfort zone. Was I 100% ready to do LPs and joint reductions? No, but I did them and I'm so grateful to have had the chance. I was never put in situations where I could harm the patient, but I also wasn't allowed to stand back and watch. And guess what? Knowing that I can handle the ER makes me so excited and it is now officially what I want to do. :)