Sunday, November 17, 2013

Work Hard, Play Hard Part 5

I can't believe another rotation has come to an end. I LOVED being at Methodist Hospital and doing inpatient internal medicine. Looking forward to going back for geriatrics. Up next is ER here in Lexington and I am so nervous, but also super excited! I'm sure there will be many "I don't know what to do with my hands" moments as I will be back to messing up sterile technique and shaking through procedures. woo! I apologize for the lack of posts last month, I honestly worked a lot and then spent my free time playing house with Adam.  Hopefully I will be able to get back into my blog flow this month. Even though I spent the majority of my free time watching TV and cooking with Adam, below are some fun pics from the last month.

 Celebrating my precious grandpa's 91st Birthday! Love him times a million.

Night out on Mass Ave. with my brother.

 Quarter Horse Congress with my mom. Tradition we have done forever and so happy I was able to go back again with her.

 My sweet husband used his magic legs and completed his first full marathon! Run Adam run!

                       Steph comes to visit Bloomington! Hanging out at the Sample Gates.

Game night at the Diskey house! Cards Against Humanity is the best/most messed up game ever.

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