Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A softened heart.

Ummmmm children are precious little angel babies and I love them. Yes, my peds rotation has me brainwashed into wanting a litter of kids.

Adam and I have had a lot of conversations about children lately... Do we want to have children? If so, when? How many? To be honest, I am not one of those people who feels they were "born to a be a mother." I have never had much experience or exposure to kids.I lack motherly instincts and children make me so nervous. I look at them like they are these little fragile objects that I'm afraid to touch or I will break them. I never know what to do to make them happy and take it personal when I make them cry. Yes, I have a gorgeous niece who I adore, but didn't know if I wanted children of my own.

Well, I'm not even 2 weeks into Peds and now I'm 85% sure I want children, which trust me is a big increase. The love between a mother and child when the child is in such a vulnerable place (dr's office) is pretty indescribable. I want that love and my heart aches to hold all the babies. It is so exciting to watch the kids reach big milestones and become a "big boy who goes potty."

Bottomline, I am just absolutely loving pediatrics and it has really opened my eyes to the joy and innocence of children and now my mom will likely have grand kids someday so I'm sure she is pumped.

Also, the attitudes these babes have KILLS me. The sassier they are at a young age, the better. Makes me laugh so hard.

Me:"Okay, open real big and say AHH."
4yo: Opens big, no tongue, no AH.
Me: "Can you say AHHH please?"
4yo: looks at me like I'm incredibly foolish and says, "Um, no. I'm only 4." Watch out for this one, world she's coming for ya.

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