Monday, April 14, 2014


What, you have never heard of this kind of child abuse before? I learned about this term last week and my preceptor and I had a good laugh about this. Especially because Taco Bell is on the list of places in which you may take your child to diabeat them and it happens to be his favorite. Anyways, all jokes aside, childhood obesity is a big pun intended.

Sure, you hear about it on TV and Michelle Obama has her big campaign about healthy eating, but until you really see how weight affects these kids socially as well as physically it doesn't really register. My poor sweet patient last week was actually removed from public school because he was getting into verbal confrontations with his peers due to bullying. Yes, he has other social issues that I'm sure contribute to the bullying, but his weight is a major factor. I wanted so badly for him to have a thyroid issue (that sounds bad, but can be fixed with a pill) or something to attribute his weight to....all labs were normal. He swears he only eats popcorn once a week and drinks water, but his home life is unstable at best you know that just simply isn't true. It breaks your heart, really.

How is a kid supposed to be healthy when mom/grandma/aunt/cousin/every other family member who is "mom" (whole different issue, I won't even go there this time) keeps the fridge stocked with Kool-aid and Dr. Pepper? Hello, I would drink it too! If I don't have any self control how is an 11 yr old going to be able to say hmmm yeah forget the delicious purple Kool-Aid a nice glass of tap water sounds delightful. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, DUH. Parents have to get with the program to help their sweet babies. I understand that eating healthy is expensive, and that Dr. Pepper is delicious and so are Doritos....but just, stop. Stop buying it. Period. Your precious child is suffering inside and out because they 1. Do not have a good example to follow from their parental role models 2. Do not know how to make healthy choices 3. Get diabeaten every night when you take them to McDonalds 4. They consider video games exercise (Yes, I have had kids tell me they play video games for exercise). These 4 problems can be fixed so easily if everyone just jumps on the healthy bus and puts down the remote controls and the nuggets. Don't get me wrong, I love a good nugget like the rest of America, but moderation is real ya'll. Maybe nuggets once a week instead of every night? Also, I know seafood is super healthy but I don't eat things that swim so I feel ya little ones on not wanting to eat salmon or other forms of cat food. Chicken, turkey, pork are all things that can be cooked outside of a deep fryer my friends.

Sorry, that was an extensive rant. I have just participated in far too many referrals for nutrition consults in the last 2 weeks. It really isn't okay. And thank goodness for RDs and nutrition specialists who can help these families make lifestyle changes to help their kids. I can't take watching these kids hang their heads in disgust over their weight, it truly is the saddest thing.

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