Monday, August 19, 2013

A Great Day

Last Thursday was my last day in the OR with my preceptor. This week we have clinic and I spent today in the colonoscopy/endoscopy suite, but no more one on one OR time. I never thought I would say this, but I'm kind of sad about that. Last Thursday was actually a lot of fun in the OR. I thought the world was ending or something because I found myself actually enjoying surgery...didn't think that would ever be possible. It was kind of awesome, at least I felt awesome because I was armed with a stapler and felt invincible. You try putting 25 staples in and not feeling like a total rock star....just stayin. I don't think they have ever seen someone get as excited about a stapler as I did. They got to see full on bubbly, cheerleader Kaitlin....over a stapler.  My preceptor let me close 2 other cases and even make the laproscope incisions and insert the trochars by myself. I've been doing a lot of nursing things as well such as removing drains and NG tubes, putting in catheters and wound care. I kind of like it?? No no no I highly doubt I will be the next Meredith Gray, but at least I have survived my surgery rotation and actually enjoyed going to work every day instead of hunkering down in a corner and crying like I thought would happen. Since I am currently being overly positive about my feelings on surgery, I will also add that it is nice to legitimately fix someone. These patients are in pain, miserable, have an infection etc...and they wake up all better. See ya appendicitis, adios abscess, never liked you anyway pilonidal cyst. They don't need years of treatment or to make drastic lifestyles changes, you just fix the problem and most of the time you have one happy patient to send on their merry way. :)

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