Monday, August 5, 2013


I really need to be writing my progress notes from today, but it was a really complicated case and I know I will get frustrated so I will just write about the gem of a man I met today.

We shall call him, Mr. R. I'm calling him this because his real first name and his nickname both start with R and he gets confused signing his name because he doesn't know which one to put down. So precious. Anyways, Mr. R has stage IV cholangiocarcinoma which is terminal. He is receiving palliative chemo every couple weeks to control his pain.  I saw him today because he is getting a port put in soon because his veins are getting hard to stick and this will make things more comfortable for him. Why is it that the most beautiful souls and wonderful people get cancer? God must pick them for a reason but it sure is hard to understand. Mr. R has a smile that melts your heart and calls you mam. I know he is exhausted and in pain but you would never even know he was sick. I had the pleasure of "driving" him back down to the infusion center after our consult. By that I mean I pushed his IV pole and wheel chair. He asked to see my license and registration. He wanted to make sure I had driven one of  "those things" before and said he would navigate (it was the next door down the hall). I loved him instantly and really hope I have the pleasure of seeing him again before his surgery.

Thinking about him and what he is going through doesn't make writing this heinous progress note seem so bad...

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