Saturday, August 10, 2013


Had some big wins this week in surgery...don't worry, had a big loss too because of my stupid hands that STILL end up being in the wrong place at the wrong time (read next post for my recent catastrophe).

I, Kaitlin Diskey, did not contaminate anything this week. I repeat, I did not contaminate anything this week. It is a Christmas miracle!!! I put in the foley catheter prior to surgery and all I could think about was how I was going to contaminate something major on the surgical field but I didn't!! Praise the Lord! Funny side note, the tech asked me if I knew how to open the sterile gowns...I look at him like duh, obviously I can open a package. So I tear the top off and hand it to him so the gown is poking out and he can just grab it out of the package and he just starts laughing. Apparently I had a stroke or something in that moment because he wanted me to remove the gown completely, unwrap it like a banana and then hand him the unwrapped, sterile gown. Fail.

Other than not contaminating anything, I assisted a lot in surgery this week and am feeling more and more comfortable. Dare I say I almost had fun? In surgery? I just might have....but read on to see why surgery is still not my thing and an occupational hazard.

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