Thursday, September 26, 2013

Meds for the win.

Saw the power of some medis yesterday, and in a non-addictive, non-benzo, non-narcotic, non-ambien kind of way. Wait, is that possible? Yeah it is so someone better alert the masses that other medications besides Xanax can help. You can try but no one will believe you. 

I met the coolest, brightest veteran yesterday. Talk about someone who didn't let the horror of war bring him down. He went to college, got an advanced degree, and got a great job. Unfortunately he was injured on the job pretty severely and got a head injury. He was then fired from the job and started the process of recovery. He had a terrible time with his speech and memory after he was hurt which led to a terrible depression period. He was suicidal, put on a safety plan, given gun locks the whole deal. He was prescribed an anti-depressant and a non-habit forming anti-anxiety medication and came back for his 1 month follow up this week.

He is doing incredible, and not that I had anything to do with his care, but I am just so proud of his provider and of his will to keep fighting and trying to recover. He goes to therapy for the speech problems and isn't struggling very much in that regard at all. He will be okay, and his life will go on. He is a big success story at the VA because not many veterans who suffer from mental illness are able to recover like he did and his attitude and drive played a huge role. Good job, Mr. Veteran!

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