Wednesday, October 2, 2013

20 Second Time Out

Alright I've decided this rotation will be very a dull time for blog posts. Yes, I hear wild and unbelievable comments all day, but it just isn't appropriate to post on here. These veterans have been through more than I can imagine and although sometimes they even laugh at the things going through their minds, turning it into sarcasm or a blog post just seems wrong.

To be honest, I often leave work feeling depressed because when the patients unload all of their problems and feelings off of their shoulders I kind of feel like they land on mine. I have to seriously shake it off on the drive home so when I get back I can play with my sweet Abby dog and not just curl up in a ball and go to bed.

So, for the next couple weeks I probably won't be posting much. I think its safe to say psychiatry won't be the specialty I choose although I greatly appreciate all the help they offer to their patients. I get too attached to people and think I would bring work home too often....

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