Sunday, May 4, 2014

Laughter is the best medicine, Part 2.

People continue to amaze me with the things they say...sometimes trying to be funny on purpose...other times, just not. Kids on the other hand are just awesome. And basically everything they say is awesome too, especially if they are 4 years old.

1. Me: Do you like to read?
   4yo: No, I like popsicles.

2. Me: How old are you?
    4yo: 2012.

3.  5yo: I would prefer if you did not look in my ears, feel my tummy, or give me shots.

4. 7yo: I just won the spelling bee.
   Me: What was your winning word?
  7yo: Grass. (Remember when life was so beautifully simple? I would love to win an award for spelling grass correctly.)

5. 4yo: Mom, do you think the Easter Bunny will bring me a ninja?
   Mom: Nope, I think the Easter Bunny is going to bring you sidewalk chalk.

Parenting 101: Don't worry, she has no risk of lead exposure. We eat all organic food with no GMOs.
ummm what? 

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