Thursday, May 29, 2014

Stepping out of my comfort zone.

Well, my selective has come to an end and now I'm back in the ER to complete my LAST rotation of PA school. I seriously cannot believe it. Where has the time gone?

I chose to do another rotation in the ER to gain more experience in a higher acuity setting and practice my procedural skills. I did one rotation in the ER back in December and really enjoyed it, but to be honest it was more of an urgent care setting with a sprinkle of actual emergencies. The hospital I was working in was located next to a university medical center so all the serious emergencies were sent there. I'm now in an ED which serves many smaller communities and is probably one of the biggest/more sophisticated hospitals outside of the medical centers in Indianapolis. Although there is a "Fast Track"/urgent care area, the past 2 days have been full of life-threatening, serious medical conditions.

This is overwhelming to me, but in a good way. The last few months in Indy have been "comfortable." I have been working with the same docs for several months who have basically become my friends. It felt like home and those doctors and nurses were so kind and loving towards me...which of course I loved. I was sad to hug them bye and leave my safety bubble of primary care and head back into the ED, but I knew it was the right move for me.

In the ED you are not greeted with warm, loving welcomes where everyone wants to get to know you. You basically just need to say "Hi, I'm Kaitlin, the PA student" and get out of the way. I am so fortunate to have a preceptor who will truly challenge me. She is not going to hold my hand and let me get by with "observing" things that make me nervous. She gives me a quick pep talk and sends me on my way...but all the while setting up the situation so it ends up being a good learning experience for me. The ED is staffed with several mid-levels and physicians so there is always someone who wants to show you something interesting or go over films with you. This will be a great experience and I am going to DO and LEARN so much which is great since board exams are right around the corner.

I'm also living with my parents this month since the hospital is close to them and I'm working crazy hours, so the Doug and Diane show keeps me pretty entertained when I'm not at work. This morning... Dad: Do you have Beats headphones? Me: No. Dad: Well, you aren't cool at all.

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