Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Auto parts, not body parts.

Now don't get me wrong, living back at home has its perks (I have already mentioned the great snacks and mom to watch TV with)....but today was the first big CON of sorts. 

Apparently, after you have moved out, when you come back your parents will forget you were ever there and when they back out in the morning will back out full speed toward your vehicle and smash the daylights out it.... Just sayin', you've been warned.

Yes, the ever so lovely Diane gave my car some added character today. She was beyond hysterical and got so upset. It's just a car, life goes on. I once drove my car into a pond and life went on....barely, but it did. Anyways, that's another story. 

So now my dad and brother are making over/under wages on the total cost of the damage. Evan of course thinks mom is being a drama queen. She says,"Its barely driveable, parts are flapping in the breeze." Not true, I drove just fine today. 

See you soon, Mr. Insurance Adjuster. 

Oh, and mom, you are grounded. 

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