Saturday, July 20, 2013

Whoa Baby Part 3

Annnddddd I'm done. I have barely done any OB this rotation and let me tell ya that is fine with me. The first experience was a couple C-sections, the second time was an afternoon doing ultrasounds, and this third and final time was a vaginal delivery and an attempted external cephalic version. I've said it before, I cannot keep seeing all this if I am ever expected to have my own kids. Surrogate, anyone?

External cephalic version is a procedure that can be done when a baby is in the breech presentation after 37 weeks. For the mother it is like getting ran over by a semi, having the semi back up, then get ran over again. And this lady was a champion. If it were me I would have killed someone. And she didn't even want an epidural. Props to you girlfriend and for your sake I hope that baby does a back flip before next week.  ECV is only successful about 50% of the time, and unfortunately this one was not successful after 3 attempts. My only job during this was to supply goo for the ultra sound machine and not pass out. Mission accomplished.

The vaginal delivery was pretty flawless actually. Which is so weird to say because from the end I was at.....I will spare you the details. I think I held my breath the whole time and almost blacked out. The whole thing is so emotional. I was in a state of utter shock staring at....yeah you get it....and then just wanted to bawl my eyes out in utter joy at the sight of this perfect little angel who just came into the world. At least Adam and I are in COMPLETE agreement that if he even thinks about taking a single step past my shoulder he is in BIG trouble. You just can't come back from that.

My mother wants grandkids someday so in order for that to happen I need to stay far away from labor and delivery until it's my turn to be there.

I cannot believe I only have 3 more days of Women's Health, time is flyingggg.

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