Thursday, July 11, 2013

Whoa baby! Part 2

It's official, I have baby fever. As long as they keep me out of C-sections and deliveries I think this fever will continue for awhile. Don't get your hopes up kids that isn't in the plan for a few years. 

My preceptor is on his way to retirement so when he goes golfing on Wednesday afternoons I get to hang out with whoever will take me...seriously it's like pass the student because who wants a student following them around all day? (answer: no one) Anyways this Wednesday I got to hang out with an ultra-sound tech to see what actually happens/what they see during the bazillion ultrasounds we order.

BABIESSSSSS!!! That is what they see. They get to see those adorable little angels before they enter this scary world and seeing those parents view those images for the first time is awesome. The It's a Boy or It's a Girl appointments are just the best and the moms come in wearing pink and the dads wear blue and it was so fun. One couple ever brought in a video camera which is just funny that people actually do that and its not just something you see on the movies. It was a good day and fortunately all the ultrasounds that afternoon were filled with happy news. 

I am so excited for whenever that day comes in the Diskey family and I will probably be over the top obnoxious and pass out pink or blue balloons to everyone I see that day.

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