Sunday, July 28, 2013

Work Hard, Play Hard Part 1

One of the hardest things in grad school is learning to balance your school life, social life, personal life, family life etc. It isn't super easy, especially being from out of state. It is difficult to make it to everything, but I do my very best. If you are ALL school 24/7 you will go insane, so here are some fun pictures from the last month. I want to do this every month for multiple reasons 1. To show the world that I actually do have some what of a life every now and then. 2. To remind myself that even though there are some really stressful days, there are some really fun and enjoyable days too. I'm very thankful to have a loving and understanding family and supportive friends who are always there to grab dinner or a cocktail with when I'm at the breaking point or have something to celebrate.

                           Amanda's Western Bridal Shower, can't wait for your big day!!
           Fourth of July cook out with the girls. Steph and Adam were the cornhole champs.
                         Shock Top Saturday with my brother and cousin at the lake house.
                                                           Lake Tippecanoe
 Sometimes when you start for your 1st rotation and are studying for the bar exam, you need some cosmic bowling and a ridiculous cover band to make life better. Love that she is in Indianapolis for good now.
 Swings with my niece, Reagan. Still bitter that she can say Adam's name ("Ado") before mine. So adorable.
 Trail ride with my man, Chief. Aren't all paint horses named Chief? Is that some sort of rule?
                                         Weekend at Hueston Woods with my better half.

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